cumin roasted pumpkin with barley
28 May 2012 By One Small Kitchen 9 Comments
Hello! It's been a while! Thank you for all the kind messages after my last post. Some of you thought I was disappearing forever. And it seems I almost did! I merely meant to let myself off the hook. Grant myself the elbow room to post without obligation. So I could focus on Ellery, and try to reclaim some of myself. Anyway what I meant to say is that I'll still be here, but only when I can manage it. Which, as it happens, is not often at the moment. But I'm hoping to wrangle a bit more time for blogging in the near future. Fingers crossed! So what's been happening? Lots of time spent babying in the blistering heat of a Queensland summer. Which has ever so thankfully eased into a blissful autumn. And now here we are, on winter's cusp, and it is delightfully cool. The whales are … [Read More...]

roasted lemon chutney
21 January 2012 4 Comments
Slightly burnt and ultra tart, this chutney is lemony good and very versatile – spread it on bread, eat it with grilled chicken or tofu, or top off a curry. Easy to knock up with pantry staples!

soba salad with mango + eggplant (and a go-to sesame dressing)
10 November 2011 7 Comments
An Ottolenghi recipe which combines sweet mango, earthy eggplant and baked tofu in a summery vegetarian salad of tropical southeast Asian flavours. My twist: a sweet-salty-sour sesame dressing.

baked eggplant + learning on the fly
28 September 2011 4 Comments
Eggplant with a crisp egg coating, bathed in a simple tomato sauce and baked with lashings of mozzarella and ricotta. Serve on its own or with pasta for something more substantial. This is comfort food, friends!

an early surprise
3 August 2011 10 Comments
An exciting announcement about a surprise delivery that has nothing to do with food!

lemon + nutmeg porridge
24 July 2011 6 Comments
Lemon zest and fresh grated nutmeg add tang and spice to this creamy porridge, a quick and super-nutritious weekday breakfast.

oat pancakes w berry compote
10 July 2011 5 Comments
Light and fluffy and flecked with chia seeds, these oat flour pancakes are my new favourite weekend breakfast. Full of goodness, without being overly weighty. Decked out with a three-minute berry compote (sugarless), yoghurt, toasted sunflower seeds and honey.